Green Goddess Dressing

Green Goddess dressing over a bed of greens and vegetables.
This dressing pairs excellent with any greens or vegetables in season and is created by Chef Kerri Cacciata.
1 full cup of soft herbs like dill, cilantro, parsley,
chives, and fennel frond, roughly chopped
1 Tbltahini
1 tspyellow mustard
⅓ cup apple cider vinegar
1clove garlic
1shallot, minced
1 cupolive oil
salt and pepper

Combine all ingredients except oil in a blender, and process until smooth.
With blender on low, slowly stream in the oil until dressing is emulsified. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 

Stores well in a mason jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

note: This is one of my favorite dressings, and it is very flexible based on
what herbs you harvest or have on hand. Great as a dressing but also as a
dip for cruditès.