Simple Tomato Salsa

When tomatoes are in abundance, a simple salsa is ideal.

The trick to any good salsa is dicing your ingredients as tiny as possible. Also, if you happen to have flowering cilantro (because yours has gone to seed) it works just as well.

Flowering cilantro and variety of tomatoes on top of cutting board.
1/2red onion, finely minced
1lime, juiced
4Early Girl tomatoes, diced
1/2bunch of cilantro, chopped
1/2jalapeño, chopped finely
flowering cilantro to garnish
pinch of salt

Place minced onions in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, add lime juice and set aside to allow to soften.

Minced red onions in bowl being sprinkled with a pinch of salt.

Next, core your tomatoes and cut them in half along the equator. In a separate bowl, squeeze out the tomato juice and seeds. You can reserve this for seed saving.

Cored tomatoes cut in half being squeezed to release juice and seeds.

Dice the tomatoes, combine with onions, and add cilantro. Before you add the jalapeño, cut off a small portion and try it first. Once you know how hot the pepper is, finely mince and add as much as you’d like. Remember, seeds are the hottest part of the pepper.

Jalapeño being minced with sharp knife.

Stir to evenly mix ingredients and chill. Just before serving, taste for seasoning and adjust if needed.

Simple tomato salsa being mixed in clear bowl.