
Purple Barley Soup

Purple Barley Soup in multiple bowls.
Using your favorite seasonal vegetables, create a delicious soup with a simple homemade broth.
1 gallon water
2roasted or grilled onions
2 tomatoes
2fennel bulbs
2 cupsbutton mushrooms, sautèed
1clove garlic
1sprig thyme
1bunch parsley
1 cupbarley
½ cupeach of diced vegetables.
choose minimum of 5 different vegetables like
cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, romanesco, corn,
green or yellow beans
vinegar or sherry (optional)

Make vegetable broth with water, onions, garlic, tomato, carrots, fennel, and mushrooms. Add thyme, parsley, and some salt and pepper. Cook for
an hour. Puree broth and vegetables once done, unless you want to keep
a clear broth. 

While the broth is cooking, roast each kind of diced vegetables separately until al dente, for garnishing the bowls. Simmer the barley in plenty of salted water until tender.

Warm everything together and top with extra virgin olive oil and optionally a couple drops of vinegar (like sherry). Do not overcook at this point in order to ensure texture and brightness.