Grilled Romaine and Oranges with Walnuts and Bleu Cheese

Oranges being grilled.
This recipe was created by Chef Flemming Hansen and Mette Helbaek, shared from our Community Table Cookbook.
1 large head of romaine lettuce, quartered into wedges
2oranges, halved
2 Tblolive oil
sea salt
black pepper, freshly ground
½ cuptoasted walnuts, crushed
3 ozwedge of Pt. Reyes Bleu Cheese (or similar), crumbled

Heat grill on high. Once hot, place romaine on grill, and cook until
each side is slightly charred with visible grill marks, about 3-5 minutes.
Set aside. 

While romaine is grilling, place orange wedges face side down on a small pan set on medium-high. Cook until orange is aromatic and flesh is dark brown, about 3-5 minutes. Set aside. 

On a large family platter, place the grilled romaine, drizzle with olive oil, and squeeze one half of the grilled orange over the top of each wedge. Add sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Sprinkle with walnuts and crumbled bleu cheese. Serve with remaining orange halves.